About Us

The Birth Partnership was born one day in a coffee shop. We were discussing the joys of water birth alongside the frustration of not being able to get birth pool hires locally. Realising there were a lot of people all over the country with a vision to make water birth more accessible but without the finances to purchase hundreds of pounds worth of pools, liners and kits; we decided to go ahead and launch the franchise system for The Birth Partnership.

If you feel passionate about water birth and work locally with home birth groups, midwives & doulas you are perfect for us.

No set up fees - No large outlay - No large storage space needed.

Give us a call - we would love to chat.

We are the only ISO accredited Birth Pool Hire company in the UK.
Our staff proudly boast previous training and working as Midwives and Doulas, giving us a large knowledge base to offer advice and guidance on all aspects of your home birth plans and pool hire.

Operating from our beautiful rural location, we have a dedicated cleaning room for our Birthing pools and hire equipment.

We inflate all our Birth pools upon return, clean and leave inflated for 12 hrs before cleaning for a second time then re-packaging ready for the next booking. We work with a number of hospitals and operate NHS guidelines for cleaning our pools and accessories using the recommended chemical cleaners, Tristel and Clinell.

All our electric inflate pumps and submersible pumps are PAT tested for each hire.

We are proud to be working alongside the new Midwifery training centres and supporting water birth training for Birth Professionals.

Our Birth Pool hire services and equipment are all covered under our full insurance policy.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail.

The Birth Partnership.